Unveiling the Paranormal Journey

Step into the enigmatic world of all things mysterious and other worldly with our riveting podcast series

Unlocking the secrets of the afterlife

Join Shaun Bennett on a supernatural journey today!

Unlock secrets of the afterlife with Psychics and Sidekicks' guests who offer insights into their personal practices and experiences through captivating stories. Blending science and spirituality in every enthralling episode, Shaun takes you on a supernatural journey not to be missed.

Reveal Everlasting Facts
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Episode 01 -> Episode 22


Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled some commonly asked questions

What is Psychics and Sidekicks?

Psychics and Sidekicks is a paranormal podcast that explores the supernatural and delves into the world of psychic mediums and paranormal investigators

Question 2: Who is the host of Psychics and Sidekicks?

Shaun Bennett is the host of Psychics and Sidekicks, guiding listeners on an enthralling journey where science meets spirituality

Question 3: What can I expect from each episode of Psychics and Sidekicks?

Each episode of Psychics and Sidekicks offers unique perspectives on communicating with those who have passed away, bridging the gap between the ethereal and the tangible. Our host showcases the incredible abilities of psychic mediums while examining the scientific methods employed by paranormal investigators

Question 4: How frequently are new episodes released?

New episodes of Psychics and Sidekicks are released weekly on a Wednesday

Decoding the mysteries of life after death